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Strategy specialist


We're looking for a Strategy specialist who will join our team and help us analyze the competitive environment.

A digital company based in Warsaw with a team of 20+ experienced professionals around the world. We have a background in more than 30 projects for international digital companies - from Keller Williams, Amazon, Philips to DBS and Singapore Airlines. We help startups and fast-growing businesses who make the world go round to thrive, scale and stand out through design, tech service, strategy, and content

You’re a good fit for us if

 Work Experience:

  • 1+ year of experience in Marketing, Project Management or similar field 

Marketing Knowledge:

  • Understanding of the marketing and advertising industry, including knowledge of current trends and the competitive landscape (Social Media and Advertising) 

Research Skills:

  • Ability to search and analyze data from various online and offline sources: databases, reports and websites. 
  • Analytical skills: Ability to process collected information and highlight key indicators and trends. 

Design and Presentation:

  • Skills and experience in creating presentations and documents that are attractive and informative to clients. 


  • Good professional written and oral communication skills to interact with team and client. 

Creative Thinking:

  • The ability to generate new ideas and hypotheses based on data analysis. 

Deadlines and Priorities:

  • Ability to manage work tasks under pressure and meeting deadlines. 
  • Knowledge of Notion, Google Analytics, Figma or Chat GPT will be an additional advantage 

What will you do

Market Research: 

  • Searching for up-to-date market information relevant to the company's operations. 
  • Compiling lists of competitors, suppliers, and potential business partners. 
  • Analyzing market share and development trends. 


Data Analysis: 

  • Sorting and filtering collected information to identify relevant data. 
  • Creating statistical reports, graphs, and charts to visualize analysis results. 


Analysis of Social Media Networks and Websites: 

  • Evaluating company and competitor activity on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok). 
  • Analyzing visual and textual content as well as website functionality. 


Search for Hypotheses and Ideas for Business Development: 

  • Analyzing market opportunities and potential process improvements. 
  • Generating creative ideas and hypotheses for company development. 

Fill out the form

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